民法法諺(Legal Maxim of civil law、Rechtssprichwort auf Privatrecht)
- 一物萬事休(Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus./False in one, false inall.)
- 人身不能以金錢估價(Corpus humanum non recipit aestimationem./A human body is not susceptibleof appraisement.)
- 人民之安寧是最高之法律(Salus populi est suprema lex./The safety of the people is the supreme law.)
- 子女常推定其為婚生子女(Semper praesumitur pro legitimatioine puerorum./It is always to be presumed that children are legimate.)
- 不可能之事無債權債務(Impossibilium nulla obligation est./There is no obligation to do impossible things.)
- 不同事物,適用不同法理(Dissimilium dissimilis est ratio./Of dissimilars the rule is dissimilar.)
- 公平與善良乃法律之法律(Aequum et bonum est lex legume./That which is equal and good is the law of Laws.)
- 父權係存於愛,非存於虐(Patria potestas in pietate debet, non in atrovitate, consistere./Paternal power should consist in affection, not in atrocity.)
- 必要無法律(Necessitas no habet legem./Neccessity has no law./Not kennt kein Recht.)
- 由身分到契約(form status to contract)
- 合意須受拘束(Pacta sunt servanda./Verträge müssen gehalten werden.)
- 全體包含部分(In toto et pars continetur./In the whole a part is contained.)
- 自由不能以金錢估價(Libertas no recipiat aestimationem./Freedom does not admit of valutation.)
- 行為不依法律所定方式者,無效(Forma non observata, infertur adnullatio actus./Where from is no observed a nullity of the act is inferred.)
- 在任何地未設定住所者,謂之流浪漢(Vagabundum nuncupamus eum qui nullibi domicilium contraxit habitationis./We call him a vagabond who has acquired nowhere a domicile of residence.)
- 任何人不能將超過其所有人之權利轉讓他人(Nemo plus juris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet./No one can transfer more right to another than he has himself.)
- 因婚姻而結合之男女所生之子女為合法的繼承人(Haeres Legitimus est quem nupitae demonstrant./The lawful heir is he whom wedlock shows sot to be.)
- 沒有價金不成買賣(Nulla emptio sine pretio esse petest./There can be no sale without a price.)
- 言語消失,文書常存(Vox emissa volat; Litera scripta manet./The spoken word flies; the written letter remains.)
- 拋棄之物歸先占者所有(Occupantis fiunt derelicta./Things abandoned became the property of the first occupant.)
- 私生子並非任何人之子而是人民之子(Bastardus nullius est filius, aut filius populi./A bastard is nobody’s son, or the son of the people.)
- 直系常優於旁系(Linea recta semper praefertur transversli./The right line is always preferred to the collateral.)
- 法律不喜愛奢侈(Lex non delicatorum votis./The law does not favour the wishes of the fastidious.)
- 法律常賦予救濟(Lex semper dabit remedium./The law woill always give a remedy.)
- 法律的沉默應認為有意的沉默
- 法理乃法律之精神(Ratio legis est anima legis./The reason of law is the soul of law.)
- 非合法婚姻所生子女應從其母(Qui nascitur sine legitinmo matrimonio, matrem sequitur./He who is born out of lawful matrimony follows the condition of the mother.)
- 所有遺囑均因遺囑人之死亡而完成(Omne testamentum morte consummatum est./Every will is completed by death.)
- 為一匹羊而訴訟,將損失一頭牛
- 胎兒關於其利益,視為既已出生(Qui in utero est pro jam nato habetur, quoties de ejus commodo quaeritur./He who is the womb is considered as born, whenever his benefit is concerned.)
- 原因停止,結果也停止(Cessante cusa, cessat effectus./When the cause ceases, the effect ceases.)
- 家宅乃個人最安全之避難及隱私之處所(Domus tutissimum cuique refugium atque receptaculum sit./A man’s house should be his safest refuge and shelter.)
- 習慣排斥法律(Consuetudo vincit commune legem./A custom overrides the common law.)
- 習慣應嚴格解釋(Custome serra prise stricte./Custom shall be taken strictly.)
- 習慣乃法律之最佳的解釋者Optimus legume interpres consuetudo./custom is the best interpreter of the law.)
- 動產是隨著人移動(Mobilia sequuntur personam./Movables follow the person.)
- 透過羅馬法而超越羅馬法
- 從物不引導主物,而隨從主物(Accessorium non ducit, sed sequitur suum principale./The accessory does not lead, but follow its principal.)
- 婚約係將來結婚之合意及約束(Sponsalia diicuntur futurarum nuptiarum converntio et repronmissio./A betrothing is the agreement and promise of a future marriage.)
- 國法有欠缺時,須依自然法而行為(Legibus sumptis desinentibus, lege naturae utendum est./When laws imposed by the State failing, we must act by the law of nature.)
- 場所支配行為(Locus regit actum./The act is governed by the law of the place where it is done.)
- 詐欺與正義,決不並存(Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant/Fraud and justice never dwell together.)
- 詐欺與惡意不得對任何人向有利益(Fraus et dolus nemini partocinari debent./Fraud and deceit ought not to avail anyone.)
- 富者之訴訟-如投十於水,貧者之訴訟-如潑水於石
- 違反法理者,無論如何,亦不適法(Nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum./Nothing that is angainst reason is lawful.)
- 違反法令或違反善良風俗之合意,不具任何效力,乃自明之理Pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt, mullam vim habere, indubitai juris est./It is undoubted law that agreements which are contrary to the laws and constitutions, or contrary to good morals, have no force.)
- 管理他人之事,須付特別注意(Aliena negotia exacto officio geruntur./The business of another is to be conducted with particular attention.)
- 憤怒者,短暫之精神異常也(Ira furor brevis est./Anger is a short insanity.)
- 遺囑中有兩個條項互相抵觸時,以在後者為準(Cum duo inter se pugnantia reperiuntur in testament, ultimum ratum est./Where two clauses in will are repugnant one to the other, the last in order shall prevail.)
- 繼承權只不過繼承死亡者一切權利而已(Haereditas nihil aliud est quam succession in universum jus quod defunctus habuerit./Hairship is nothing else than the succession to all rights of deceased.)