法學英文-刑法(Legal English-Criminal law)

Words below are commonly used words in criminal law. They are mainly based on USA law, and some of them are from the English version of Taiwan law. While the Chinese words based on Taiwan (Republic of China) law.
英文單字(English words) 中文解釋(Chinese words)
crimes 犯罪
illegal act 違法行為
public offense 公罪
compulsive 強制性規定
intent act 故意行為
act of negligence 過失行為
death penalty 死刑
capital punishment 死刑
imprisonment 監禁
fine 罰金
removal from office 免除公職
disqualification of honor 免除享有權利
disqualification of trust 免除信託
disqualificaiton of profit 免除收益資格
statutory offense 法定罪行
Model Penal Code 標準刑法典
elements of crimes 構成要件
Nulla poena sine lege 罪刑法定原則
objective elements 客觀要件
subjective elements 主觀要件
mens rea 主觀犯意
guilty mind 主觀犯意
intention 犯罪意圖
intent 故意
reckless 輕率/無認識過失
negligent 過失
direct intention 直接故意
indirect intention 間接故意
actus res 犯罪行為
guilty act 犯罪行為
act 作為
omission 不作為
possession 持有
actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea 犯罪行為需源於犯意
fault 不法性
wrongdoingness 不法性
culpability 可責性
culpable 可責的
blameworthiness 有責的可罰性
controband 違禁品
drugs 毒品
smugglings 走私
causality 因果關係
actor 行為人
criminal liability 犯罪責任
minors 未成年
mistake 錯誤
insanity 精神疾病
drunkenness 醉態
involuntariness 非自願行為
self-defense 自衛
necessity 必要性
justifiable defense 正當防衛
emergency avoidance 緊急避難
entrapment 警察圈套
types of crimes 罪刑類別
felony 重罪
misdemeanor 輕罪
first degree of crimes 一級犯罪
second degree of crimes 二級犯罪
offense against the person 侵犯人身罪
offense against the property 侵犯財產罪
criminal homicide 殺人罪
felony-murder 重罪謀殺
reckless murder 義憤謀殺
manslaughter 非預謀殺人
voluntary manslaughter 非預謀故意殺人
involuntary manslaughter 過失殺人
misdemeanor manslaughter 輕罪殺人
physical injury 傷害罪
assault 恐嚇罪行
battery 傷害
physical contact 身體接觸
mayhem 重傷害
dismenberment 斷肢
diablement 殘廢
disfigurement 毀容
rape 強制性交
crime of compulsory sexula intercourse 強制性交
disfunction 功能受損
larceny 偷盜罪
physical characteristics 財產的性質
values 價值
burglary 入室竊盜罪
invasion to certain physical space 物理空間的入侵
embezzlement 侵占
solomy 雞姦
incest 亂倫/血親性交
arson 縱火罪
fiancial crimes 財經犯罪
fraud 詐欺
corrupton 貪汙
bribery 賄賂
robbery 強盜
libel 誹謗
defame 名譽受損
punishment 刑罰
sentence 刑罰
sentence suspension 緩刑
conviction 判決/定讞
crime correction system 犯罪矯正制度
deprivation of abilities 剝奪犯罪能力
penitentiary 教養所
incarceration 監禁
castration 去世
bail 假釋
parole 假釋
acquittal 無罪判決/不起訴
homicide victim 被害人
malice 惡意/預謀
malicious act 惡意行為
deliberate intention 故意
commit a crime 犯罪
criminology 犯罪學
element of crime 犯罪要件
organized crime 組織犯罪
criminal action 刑事訴訟
criminal contempt 藐視法庭罪
the accused 刑事被告
abetment 教唆/慫恿
abet 教唆
abettor 教唆犯/慫恿者
absentee 失蹤者
child abuse 虐待兒童
sexual abuse 性侵害
accessory act 從犯行為
accomplice 共犯/同謀
abduct 綁架
abductor 綁架者
principle offender 正犯
criminal conversation 通姦罪
criminal coviction 刑事定罪
criminal defense attorney 刑事辯護律師
crimianl evidence 犯罪證據
crimnal investigation 刑事偵查
criminal jurisdiction 刑事管轄
criminal proceedings 刑事訴訟
criminal prosecution 刑事起訴
criminal sanctions 刑事處分
criminal suspect 嫌疑犯
attempted 未遂
abduction 誘拐
accomplished offender 既遂犯
accomplished offense 既遂犯罪
accumulative penalty 累積刑罰
adulterous conduct 通姦行為
pareamour 通姦人
inercourse 性交
paleas of guilty 認罪
fugitive 逃犯
imposition 施加懲罰
alibi 不在場證明
