法學英文-契約法(Legal English-Contract law)


Words below are commonly used words in contract law. They are mainly based on USA law, and some of them are from the English version of Taiwan law. While the Chinese words based on Taiwan (Republic of China) law.
英文單字(English words) 中文解釋(Chinese words)
advance 預付款、預付行為
infringement 侵害、違反
frivolous 輕佻的
fiduciary 信任的、信託的
fraudulet 詐欺的
cause 約因
consideration 對價
requirement of exchange 交換的要求
written form 書面形式
unjust enrichment 不當得利
offer 要約
promise 承諾
vital error 重大錯誤
fraud 詐欺
misrepresentation 虛偽意思表示
duress 強迫
unconscionability 顯失公平
void 無效
voidable 得撤銷
termination 終止
cancellation 解除
contracting parties 締約方
invalidatioin 失效
performance 履行
impossibility 不可能
imperfect performance 不完全給付
imadequate performance 不完全給付
defered performance 遲延給付
injurying performance 加害給付
umpractical performance 給付不能
impossible performance 給付不能
impracticability 不現實
alter 變更
frustration of purpose 履行無異議
relieve 解除
default 違約行為
breach of contract 違約
remedies 救濟、救濟手段
relief 救濟
expectation damages 預期賠償金
agreed upon remedies 補救協定
equitable relief 衡平救濟
liquidated damages 預定違約金
settlement agreements 清償協定
specific performance 實際履行
injunction 強制令
restitution 恢復原狀
contract clause 契約條款
contract conditions 契約條件
contract dispute 契約糾紛
contract provisions 契約規定
contract interpretation 契約解釋
contract period 履約期間
contract form 契約形式
contract repudiation 契約拒絕履行
bilateral contract 雙務契約
conditional contract 附條件之契約
formal contract 正式契約
implied contract 默示契約
installation contract 分期付款契約
oral contract 口頭契約
quasi contract 準契約
servable contract 可分割契約
contract restriction 契約限制
contract terms 契約條款
contract for delivery 貨物運送契約
contract for sale of goods 商品買賣契約
contract for sale of land 土地買賣契約
contract in writing 書面契約
contract of adhesion 定型化契約
contract of assignment 轉讓契約
contract of carriage 運輸契約
contract of employment 雇傭契約
contract of sale 買賣契約
contract of service 勞務契約
contract under seal 正式契約
standard form contract 制式契約
unenforceable contract 無法履行之契約
capacity 行為能力
disclaimer clause 免責條款
waiver clause 排除條款
pardon clause 赦免條款
excuse clause 藉口條款
punitive damages 懲罰性賠償金
installment (分期付款的)期
imperformance of contract 債務不履行


  1. "Servable contract" should be severable contract.

