法學英文-刑事訴訟法(Legal English-Code of Criminal Procedure)

Words below are commonly used words in Code of Criminal Procedure. They are mainly based on USA law, and some of them are from the English version of Taiwan law. While the Chinese words based on Taiwan (Republic of China) law.
英文單字(English words) 中文解釋(Chinese words)
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 聯邦刑事訴訟規則
constututional criminal procedure 憲法刑事訴訟
the adversary system 對抗制/抗辯制
the inquisitorial system 審問制
authority principle 職權主義
litigant principle 當事人主義
public prosecution 公訴
private prosecution 私訴
no accusation, no trial 不告不理
prosecutor 檢察官
inverstigation 調查
charge 起訴
arrest 逮捕
law enforcement 執法人員
summon 傳喚
detain 收押
the suspect 嫌疑人
custody 監管
warrant 搜索票
award 裁定
arraignment 初審
the accused 被告人
dismiss of charge 撤銷指控
without delay 毫不遲疑
public defender 公設辯護人
legal assistance 法律協助
misdemeanor 輕罪
plea of guilty 認罪
not guilty 不認罪
not contest 不爭執
preliminary hearings 預審聽證
cash bond 保證金
bail 保釋
proceedings 司法程序
pre-trial motions 審前動議
pleas 主張
inadmissibility of certain evidence 證據不可採用性
jury selection 陪審團挑選
convicted felon 重大犯罪前科
the peremptory challenge 強制迴避
opening statement 開場陳述
prosecutor's case in chief 公訴方
the defendant's case in chief 辯方主訴
cross examination 交互詰問
rebuttal 攻擊
sub-rebuttal 防禦
closing argument 結案證詞
deliberation 評議
verdict 裁決
litigation cost 訴訟成本
unanimous 一致決
majority 多數決
the prosecutor 公訴方
review 再議
double jeopardy 一罪不二審
sentencing 量刑
probation 緩刑
performing public service 公共服務
conviction 判決
higher jurisdiction 上級法院
remedy 救濟
the Supreme Court of the United States 合眾國最高法院
admissibility of evidence 證據可採性
advocate 訴訟代理人
acquittal 無罪判決
affidavit 正式書面陳述
allegation 指控
appellant 上訴人
appellee 被上訴人
array 陪審員名單
arrest warrant 逮捕另
attorney general 檢察長
barrister 出庭律師
bench trial 法官審
collegiate panel 合議庭
contingent fee 勝訴酬金/律師費
continuance 訴訟延期
court fee 訴訟費
evidence for the defense 抗辯證據
evidence for the prosecution 控告證據
evidence in chief 主要證據
evidence in rebuttal 反駁證據
evidence of crime 犯罪證據
evidence of guilt 有罪證據
autopsy 驗屍
character evidence 性格證據
circumstantial evidence 情況證據
conclusive evidence 確鑿的證據
corroborating evidence 補強證據
demonstrative evidence 實物證據
documentary evidence 書面證據
exculpatory evidence 辯解無罪的證據
inculpatory evidence 證明有罪的證據
intrinsic evidence 內部證據
extrinsic evidence 外部證據
hearsay evidence 傳聞證據
expert evidence 專家證據
witness tampering 賄賂證人
witness testimony 證人證詞
adverse witness 敵性證人
inquiry 調查
interrogation 審問訊問
prima facie evidence 表面證據
friendly witness 友性證人
