法學英文-侵權行為法(Legal English-Tort law)

Words below are commonly used words in tort law. They are mainly based on USA law, and some of them are from the English version of Taiwan law. While the Chinese words based on Taiwan (Republic of China) law.
英文單字(English words) 中文解釋(Chinese words)
impairment 損傷
tort law 侵權行為法
injure 侵害
damage 侵害
name nad fame 名譽
wrongful act 民事過錯行為
tort case 侵權訴訟
fill loss 填補損害
compensate 填補損害
the injured 受損害人
tortfeasor 侵權行為人
tortfeasance 侵權行為
judical decisions 判例法
the enact of law 法律的制定
Federal Tort Claims Act 聯邦侵權索賠法
tortious liability 侵權責任
intentional liability 故意侵權責任
negligence 過失侵權責任
negligent liability 過失侵權責任
strict liability 嚴格侵權責任
no-fault principle 無過失原則
tortious act 侵權行為
tortious feasance 侵權行為
intentional tort 故意侵權行為
battery 毆打
assault 傷害
false imprisonment 非法監禁
infliction of mental stress 精神傷害
defamation 誹謗
invasion of privacy 侵犯他人隱私
trespass to real property 侵犯他人土地與財產
copyright infringement 著作權侵犯
negligence tort 過失侵權行為
act of negligence 過失行為
duty of care 注意義務
comparative negligence doctrine 相對過失原則
degree of negligence 過失程度
gross negligence 重大過失
objective negligence 具體輕過失
subjective negligence 抽象輕過失
strict liability tort 嚴格責任
absolute liability 絕對責任
no-fault liability 無過失責任
intention 故意
dangerous product tort 危險物品侵權責任
product tort 產品責任
consent 同意
self defense 自衛
justifiable defense 正當防衛
emergency avoidance 緊急避難
neceesity 必要性
contributory negligence 加工過失
comparative negligence 比較過失
assumption of risk 自冒風險
foreseeable risk 可預見風險
predictable risk 可預見風險
highly risky 高風險的
distribution of risk 分散風險
allocation of risk 分散風險
tort action 侵權訴訟
tort relief 侵權救濟
personal tort 人身侵權
property tort 財產侵權
constituional tort 憲法上的侵權
husband-wife tort 夫妻侵權行為
maritime tort 海上侵權行為
automobile tort 汽車侵權行為
joint tortfeasor 共同侵權行為人
neglect 疏忽
negligent act 過失行為
negligence perse 當然過失
imputed negligence 轉嫁過失
concurrent negligence 競合過失
culpable negligence 有罪責的過失
reckless negligence 魯莽的過失
wanton negligence 惡意的過失
willful negligence 故意過失
denfense to negligence 對過失的抗辯
obvious risk 顯著危險
laiability insurance 責任保險
liability created by statute 法定責任
liability imposed by law 法定責任
liabilty limits 責任限度
liability without fault 無過錯責任
limited liability 有限責任
primary liabilty 主要責任
second liability 次要責任
vicarious liability 替代責任
